Skill Sessions - Campfire Crew

We run a new and exciting session during term-times we call “The Campfire Crew”. This is a skills based session that takes place roughly every three weeks focussing on a practical skill including bushcraft, cooking, crafting, STEM and more (each session has a different skill as the focus). Children can learn something new in our beaultiful private woodland with skilled instructors and achieve positive outcomes.

It is suitable for children aged 7 - 13 years old who do not attend school or as alternative provision for those in school or flexi-schooling *

Parent/carer attendance is required.

Dates, costs and timings of sessions may vary dependent on the activities and time of year. Please see below for upcoming sessions.

* The sessions follow a more structured approach to learning and it is expected children attending a session should be able to follow instruction and, when required, work as part of a group. We understand that not all of the sessions on offer will appeal to your child so attendace at all events is not expected.

We ask that you please message us using the contact details at the bottom of this page if your child has not attended a session with us before so that we can learn a little more about your child and ensure that the session would be suitable for them.

Wednesday 12th March 2025 - Shelter Building - 9.30am - 11.30am. £15pp.

Wednesday 2nd April 2025 - STEM in Nature - Protect the Egg! 9.30am - 11.00am. £15pp

For more information please email us at or message us through our Facebook page.